Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Have you ever had your ears vacuumed?

Cause its an interesting experience.

Back to my ENT for a followup. Infection is a bit better, as it should be after 5 days of double antibiotics. There is still fluid in my ear, causing the ringing and hearing loss. He took a sample of the junk in my ear to send to the lab for testing and then he vacuumed my ear... yes, vacuumed. I don't know what was in there, but obviously it was awful enough he had to suction it out. I was almost curious enough to ask if I could see what it looked like. I was honestly hoping he'd hoover around for a bit then VOILA!! My hearing would be restored.

Nope. Not that lucky.

If its not better in 1.5 weeks, then I have to go in for tubes... which is not a good thing. It will relieve the pressure, but I don't want tubes in my ears.

I have a chiropractor appt Friday to see if she can crack my bones and relieve some of this fluid. *sigh* here's hoping!!

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